Once the order is successfully processed in the OpusCapita Business Network, it is immediately available for you in the Business Network Portal. There is no limit how many orders or from how many customers you can receive orders from. Before starting to receive orders, please make sure that your customer is connected, see more at Connections.
Notification of a new order
When a new order is received, you will be notified by email. Email is sent from noreply@opuscapita.com email address. Click the link in the notification and you are directed to the new order. Additionally new orders, and other order updates are visible in the bell notifications and BNP home page for suppliers:
Order overview
On the Orders → Order overview page, you can view all the orders you have received.
By default, the orders are sorted from the newest to the oldest. You can sort the orders by type, customer name, order number, total net price or status by clicking the respective column name. Furthermore, you can use one or more search criteria to easily find the desired order. After you have defined the criteria, click Search. Only the orders matching your search criteria are shown.
Order version and order statuses
Order status can change based on user actions, for example when order is confirmed, shipped or invoices. Additionally the status can change if the customer is sending order fulfillment messages such as order changes, cancellations or receipt advices.
Each of the status change changes also the order version. Version number is visible on the Order overview table next to the order number.
Click the triangle icon on the left most column table. Order version numbers open and displaying corresponding status and time in the (Last changed column) for each version.
Viewing a new order
Click Open in the Order overview page or the link in the order notification and you are directed to the order view. A new order has status Ordered and has version number v1.