Relayed Archive API
Relayed Archive developed for OpusCapita Invoice Sending clients to search invoices via API stored to OpusCapita Archive. The solution can be also used to download invoices from the archive with high level of security. Relayed Archive is an additional feature to the OpusCapita Archive solution available in the Business Network Portal application.
Relayed Archive is available for sales invoice archive only.
Relayed Archive API
As a customer, you should use OpusCapita endpoint to access Relayed Archive solution. We offer piloting, test and production API for customer use:
Environment | Endpoint | Documentation |
Development / piloting | | |
Test environment | | |
Production environment |
If you are using a legacy archive solution from OpusCapita (such as Document Forwarding or Relayed Trust Archive), you should update the endpoint to use above API’s.
Relayed Archive allows OpusCapita clients to grant access to their customers to download their own invoices with a high level of security. Relayed Archive is an addition to the OpusCapita eArchive solution available in the Business Network Portal application.
Client is required to generate a JWT and it is used while end user is requesting via in the customer portal (HTTP GET) to download an invoice from the archive.
Authentication - JWT Token
When sending a request to Relayed Archive API, all search values should be sent in a JWT token. This ensures high security as confidential values are encrypted.
Content of the token
Token requires authorization header to enter to the Business Network gateway. Payload will be extracted by exchanging key values between customer and OpusCapita. Payload contains all necessary information to identify you as an Archive customer, and the search values to find individual invoices from the Archive. Signature is required in the token to verify the message wasn't changed along the way. It can be encrypted with chosen algorithm e.g. HMAC SHA256. Public key must be provided to OpusCapita to decrypt the signature. The public key must an expiration date and customer is responsible to share a new key. JWKS URL is hosted on the customer side and contains the public keys.
Token structure:
Token PAYLOAD content (mandatory):
json field | necessity | Name | Description |
| semi-optional* | Business partner id | OC generated unique id for the client, it need to be a child unit in the structure of |
| optional* | Customer number | Client generated unique id for the customer |
| optional | Invoice number | Invoice number as generated by the client |
| mandatory | Issuer | Identifies the principal issuing the JWT, can be a string or URI, in this case it need to be OC generated unique id for the client that is the parent unit for We can configure this to be any string (though it is better to avoid special characters like \000). Example values can be: - business partner ID of the OpusCapita registered company issuing the certificate, ex “myCompany123” - a well understood company name, ex. “OpusCapita Solutions Oy” - an URL pointing the organization or public certificate, ex. “” or ““ For simplicity and consistency it is probably best to use business partner id - this was implemented in the current version of code. |
| mandatory
| Audience | Specifies the token target recipient, ie. This could be any string though domain name might be a reliable option. It is formally required by rfc7519 though currently ignored by OpusCapita. |
| optional | Issued at time | Time when the JWT was created |
| optional | Expiration time | Time how long the JWT is valid |
| optional | Subject | Optional subject claim, ex. It must match the configured value on OpusCapita side. |
Creating JWT
There are different types of free tools to generate JWT tokens, depending on you preferred programming language. In order to use the token payload, there must be an encrypted keys exchanged between OpusCapita and customer.
First you must generate keys. These are used for generating JWT token. You should create private or public keys.
Private key (symetric): Use secret known by OC and you as a customer.
Public key (asymetric): Create own public key and share it via endpoint which OC can fetch and cache. Please share also the expiration time of the public key.
Send one token per request. Single document download requires a separate JWT token.
Generate token. Token payload content in chapter
Encrypt the token content with chosen algorithm. For example ES512 or RS512.
Validate / test your token
You can test your generated token content here:
Token decoded version should have following content:
Relayed Archive gateway
Please see the technical specification here:
Stage (test) environment:
Production environment:
Connect to gateway
OpusCapita has an open api-gateway which you need to send a request to the gateway with the token. It is recommended to test with OpusCapita by using the development or stage environment. After acceptance testing customers can start using the production environment.
Specific token request: Token contains all required values including invoice number and is sent to a generic endpoint:
[alternative] Generic token request: the token contains only businessPartnerId and Customer number, but the gateway URL can contain the invoice number specifying to which invoices the token relates to<invoiceNumber>
Gateway response
Once the token is received and decrypted, the API returns single invoice image. The service can response with following values:
Code | Description |
200 | Successfully fetched invoice image |
401 | Authentication on API gateway failed |
403 | Some of the required invoice parameters are missing or JWT was not present |
404 | Fetching the invoice failed for various reason |
Example keys, tokens and requests:
RSA 2048 (least secure) with SHA256 = RS256, token and example request
private key (PEM format)
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEA5sFMdgNmhIiMiX2W6p4eDHZkyC7rxepHWEVKOEYtztu7DKEa V/vYQ36+++8JQ9J0Vzjw/jBcKid5eV9urKTQmnuaW6IzZlTMpL9vwldjGr2DjwCk CJbt+81+hOQpyzCveR41xmSXxXbQCQx70gUyciaoonCxRbebBGmrBjTGKFCdntRI 32i8IkXmADyMQIPWr3zQmawNkO7H5ne4OoH7Lz7k0SuPoJGE2tSCg44tz19YHX3u QIM+8+VdouCMsfNyWO73geonS4YTP0GDFqX4cgEfk1l5iqpeW2UuODi59cBlw+uT oEk8eIGioVMBytbSy7XbTIO2BonH9vyrktBtoQIDAQABAoIBAGVoc3K1gdsiqyhN EgKfZDMz4Ix82k6K67mmEbzzUnRC6kvdjNc3rU3UKJhM7zRoC4q9UmNS214HJQIq 51dlwurxAN/eQ1poT9ri6nlsr/fzaxpwPKYttf5fy4cZQiiyh5rhpN5AHNbBpSEk 5FFiyU2TIa7peW5bBvwEeA1tKdxS44KbS2I2c6TdR6lBOXtkzrsMDirorjXZ4SJI 3WdForF6GPuOwEA3dAPEm7C6RGOwUd9kLhxcTz2b6lwzdwwGq2bxgSe39whxd4Ev vnwrFmRZCG3LQDxxqvmA08ea1KctHutA+Py+RIADZrXT0uZBeiUhu/nQCRmUvgWT TpmnTBUCgYEA+2jURsZ0K/2/R4sOIuH0dldvLWi4mkRLszE04+FChhLoQvWJwXGn RAr+GkQbwrwjn+vQTknZh4Q1MR2W54BEgD4HCokrHfd32njglrqbfDCt7yarz3g4 +STAfZHVifN/Yx5LZ6HCQUgPZS6vPaHJmEvihuZUHOeRh/sVzxdzo+MCgYEA6vfs hkZpuYZs5AhlHUA/V6uE2WTjZ8r18wKOYFVqo3RqziTXPII0JFJukRZ/ZQEu42dt T7+IQSyoczOcsGg3o69B13fcWmpMmjAdbSNYMXjAGBJEPtoQRCDuJtHdbg0QgSeh id57Tu9Y393nAHyHpbnJ/KDi0cDnPaAteHfKR6sCgYBHdLUY5KDyO+3Y5MIA0h4M YK99xYzqc8zcQnkY59Zjiw4useEUdTwoT8OHLaKCR70MYBbVmZHVPZNswU85vzA5 Dugra28w1jxfgQm8bY9xzdgx59jfX/k5fuOjDQcXbXjgcCTYcJZovZV6mbk/GDPX MIJS+zYe/QZVEt1Q/gZlJwKBgFnltRbChdy3c53jIFyKojF2rANIuECTxHnPNo3g 4EXdWqe4LKk3358t8qOMCf2o8DmM7qOeUhEtdt1sl7xegzsa6IP5ldL57Ijpc7i3 1xxGaKhNBNNPNv3542Py01cxpGjlssY+2sqehFBSY/kpq/RaGs+O9njt5wsK55q5 qii1AoGAP/tVx4GVsCmJLpmXjg3uCGmFllfgXXtUD3ZZoV0gqq2135tvNO/f4qO7 RJ5fC3XriXam8D6F/9F9Dll78/M44YxwPxgQbyrY+VSro5nVQ4q2ZcoQlbrn3FXt bCiDymfFyJw02zy8nL1+NVfK5iRstYPkLqQeZO/66tMevr52Cvc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
RSA 4096 (most compatible) with SHA512 = RS512, token and example request
ES256 (small yet secure, commonly used) token and example request
ES384 (more secure than ES384) token and example request
ES512 (most secure, often not supported by tools) token and example request
Example requests pass the token in the query parameter
but the token can be also passed as a request header (recommended): curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ...'
where ...
is replaced with the token.
end of document