(sv)Supplier onboarding

(sv)Supplier onboarding

Business Network Portal has complimentary, extensive tools for promoting free e-invoicing and order processing tools all your suppliers. You can create scheduled campaigns with invitation emails and landing pages adjusted to your specific needs and branded with your company look & feel. Real-time campaign statistics show the amount of email opens and bounces, landing page visits, and supplier registrations, and allow sending reminders.


Create a new campaign

Du måste ha customer-admin rollen för att få tillgång till kampanjfunktionerna i BNP."

On the Campaigns → Onboarding Create campaign page, you can create a new campaign, select the services for supplier to select from, upload the supplier contacts, create the invitation and Welcome pages and finally launch the campaign. You are guided through a six-step process ending to confirm the selections made before launching the campaign. 

Create a new onboarding campaign as follows: 

Step 1. Campaign name and validity period


  1. Click Campaign, and select Onboarding Create Campaign. The Create campaign page opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the campaign. A unique name makes it easier to follow the campaign progress when there are multiple simultaneous campaigns. 

  3. From the Validity Period fields, select when you want to start sending the invitations or from which day onwards is the campaign landing page abailable and the last date up until your suppliers can register to the system (not mandatory). 

  4. If you do not know the supplier email addresses or you want to contact your suppliers by yourself, select the Entry point for non-email media invitations. A registration link is shown in the field. 

    1. If you select this, we will not send invitation emails for this campaign. Instead, you must contact your customer and ask them to use the registration link. You must still activate the campaign.  

    2. Note that you are not able to add contacts to the campaign. OpusCapita will create the contacts as soon as a supplier registers via the link. 

  5. Click Save and Continue to move to step 2. 

Step 2. Select document types and companies


  1. Select which document types you want to include and offer for the suppliers. 

    1. Invoice Sending, supplier will be able to send e-invoices via Business Network Portal. Select Invoice Key-in option. Select which of your companies the supplier can send invoices to.

    2. Order Receiving, supplier will receive orders to Business Network Portal. Select option In Business Network. Select from which of your companies the supplier can receive orders from.

    3. Catalog provision, and then select which of your companies the supplier can send catalogs to.

  2. Click Save and Continue to move to step 3. 

Step 3. Add supplier contacts

Import contacts from a CSV or an Excel file as follows:  

  1. First, you need to create list of contacts in CSV or Excel file.

At the least, your file needs to include the email, company, first name and last name.

However, various common column names are supported, such as Customer Supplier ID, Email, Company, First name, Last name, Street, Phone, Mobile phone, DunsNo, Zip code, City, P. O. Box, Country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), Commercial Register number, TIN, VATIN

Minimum content required for importing contacts.


  1. Click Import contacts.

  2. Browse to the desired directory and select the desired CSV or Excel file including your contacts.  

  3. Import summary shows how many contacts were imported. In case errors, the line number shows where the error was.

  4. Click Save and Continue to move to phase 4. 

Add contact details manually as follows: 

  1. Click Add. The Create new Contact window opens. 

  2. In the Company, First name and Last name fields, enter the details.  

  3. Enter any other necessary information. The more information you add, the less the supplier needs to fill in.  

  4. Click Add.  

  5. Click Save and Continue to move to step 4. 

Step 4. Add campaign email

Select the email template you want to send to the target group suppliers. You can use a default email, however we do recommend that you modify the template with your company name, company logo and email text.


  1. Next to the default template, click the copy button

  2. In the Template name field, enter a name for the template. 

  3. In the Template content field, modify the default text. Alternatively, you can upload an HTML file. 

  4. From the Language drop-down menu, select the template language. 

  5. From the Country drop-down menu, select the campaign country. 

  6. Select the Files tab, and click Upload to upload image files. You can then copy the images and paste them to the template content. 

  7. Click Save. The Create template window closes. 

  8. Select the template you created. 

  9. Click Save and Continue to move to step 5. 


Step 5. Add landing page

Select the default landing page template with your company name or create your own template. Landing page contains always a registration button, which starts the onboarding journey for the suppliers.

Create your own template and use it as follows:  

  1. Next to the default template, click the copy button.

  2. The Create template window opens. 

  3. In the Template name field, enter a name for the template. 

  4. In the Template content field, modify the default text. Alternatively, you can upload an HTML file.  

  5. From the Language drop-down menu, select the template language. 

  6. From the Country drop-down menu, select the campaign country. 

  7. Select the Files tab, and click Upload to upload image files. You can then copy the images and paste them to the template content. 

  8. Click Save. The Create template window closes. 

  9. Select the template you created. Continue to step 6.


Step 6. Launch campaign

You can see the selected email and landing page templates and the number of contacts to whom the invitation email will be sent. Click Launch campaign and the emails and/or landing page will be published on the validity start date as defined in Step 1.   


Include new contacts to existing campaigns 

After launching an onboarding campaign, you can still add new supplier contacts to it. On the overview page, you can see and edit the campaigns. 

Company, first name and last name are required contact details. However, the more information you add or import, the less information the supplier will need to fill in during the registration process. 

Include new contacts to existing campaign as follows: 

  1. Select CampaignsOnboarding Campaigns. The Campaign Overview page opens. 

  2. Select the campaign to which you want to include new suppliers.

  3. For the desired campaign, click Contacts. The third phase of the onboarding campaign opens.  Add contacts in one of the following ways:  


Import contacts from a CSV or an Excel file as follows:

  1. First, you need to create list of contacts in CSV or Excel file.

At the least, your file needs to include the email, company, first name and last name.

However, various common column names are supported, such as Customer Supplier ID, Email, Company, First name, Last name, Street, Phone, Mobile phone, DunsNo, Zip code, City, P. O. Box, Country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), Commercial Register number, TIN, VATIN

Minimum content required for importing contacts.  
  1. Click Import contacts

  2. Browse to the desired directory and select the desired CSV or Excel file including your contacts.


Add contact details manually as follows: 

  1. Click Add. The Create new Contact window opens. 

  2. In the Company, First name and Last name fields, enter the details.  

  3. Enter any other necessary information. The more information you add, the less the supplier needs to fill in.  

  4. Click Add.  

  5. Select phase 6. Launch campaign. 

You can see the selected email and landing page templates and the number of new contacts to whom the invitation email will be sent. Click Launch campaign or Activate new contacts if you have updated an existing campaign with new contacts. 


Track the campaign progress

After you have launched your campaigns, you can view a list of suppliers who have registered to the Business Network portal.  

You can either view all your campaigns or check specific campaigns. Furthermore, you can check which suppliers are fully onboarded. 


View campaigns via the Dashboard

Open the Dashboard by selecting CampaignsOnboarding Dashboard


The Onboarding Dashboard contains the following sections:  

  • Connected suppliers shows you the connected suppliers from all your campaigns, summarized in one graph.

  • Campaign Contact history shows you the progress of all your campaigns summarized in one graph 

  • Recent campaigns shows you a diagram with all your individual campaigns, each bar representing an individual campaign. By hovering with your mouse on one of the bars, you can view details of that specific campaign.  

  • Total summary shows you a summary of all your campaigns, indicating the number of suppliers in each phase. By clicking on an item, you can see a list of the suppliers in that phase.  

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