Track and Trace -toiminnon perustiedot
Kun tapahtumat käsitellään Opuscapitan kautta, ne näkyvät Track and Trace -sovelluksessa seuraavat 90 päivää käsittelypäivästä. Track and Trace (TnT) on työkalu, jolla voit etsiä ja seurata kaikkia OpusCapita Business Networkin käsittelemiä tapahtumia. Sovellus auttaa sinua havaitsemaan mahdolliset virheet tai hylkäämiset viestin toimituksen aikana ja pääsemään kaikkiin tapahtumaan sisältyviin tiedostoihin.
Tyypillinen tapahtuma sisältää seuraavat tiedot, jotka on tallennettu Track and Traceen:
Datatiedosto - viestin sähköinen muoto, esimerkiksi tilaus tai lasku xml- tai edit-muodossa
Liitteet – laskun kuva tai datatiedoston sisältöä tukevat lisätiedot PDF-, TIF- tai missä tahansa muussa muodossa.
Metatiedot – kaikki keskeiset tiedot, jotka on kerätty datatiedostoista tai jakelualustalta, jossa viesti käsiteltiin. Kaikki TnT:n hakukyselyt suoritetaan ensisijaisesti metadataa vastaan.
Pääsy Track and Trace -palveluun
Kun olet kirjautunut Business Network Portaaliin, voit valita Track and Trace -vaihtoehdon oikeasta yläkulmasta. Voit käyttää sitä myös suoraan URL-osoitteen kautta
Huomaa, että Track and Trace -sovelluksen käyttöoikeuden myöntää asiakkaan järjestelmänvalvojan käyttäjä. Katso lisätietoja luvusta 1.5. Käyttäjäroolit ja yrityksen oikeudet.
Käyttäjällä on oltava seuranta- ja blob-rooli, jos asiakirjan lataus ja esikatselu vaaditaan.
Seurantaajan ilmaisin
Track and Trace näyttää tapahtumat reaaliajassa, koska ne käsitellään OpusCapita Business Networkissa. Tietojen näyttämisessä reaaliajassa voi olla väliaikainen viive, ja tämä tila näkyy seurantaajan ilmaisimessa. Viiveitä voi tapahtua tapahtumien käsittelyn poikkeuksellisen korkeiden huippujen aikana, ja niiden tilat eivät ole täysin ajan tasalla Track and Trace -palvelussa. Mikäli seurantapalvelussa on tekninen virhe tai vakava ongelma kaikkien käsittelytapahtumien jäljittämisessä, ilmaisin näkyy punaisena ja teksti "Suur seurantaviive". Huomaa, että seuranta-ajan osoitin liittyy vain Track and Tracen suorituskykyyn, ei todelliseen tapahtumakäsittelyn suorituskykyyn Business Networkissa.
Seurantaajan ilmaisimella voi olla seuraavat 3 arvoa:
Haku Track and Trace -sovelluksessa
Ennen kuin voit suorittaa haun, sinun on valittava vähintään yksi lähettäjän ja/tai vastaanottajan nimi. Selaimesi tallentaa viimeisimmän lähettäjän tai vastaanottajan valinnan, eikä sinun tarvitse valita niitä seuraavan kerran, kun käytät TnT:tä.
Vapaa tekstihaku
Suositus on käyttää vapaata tekstihakua aluksi ja hankkia kokemusta hakuarvoista ja hakutekniikoista tarkimman tuloksen saamiseksi.
Ensimmäisellä pitkällä syöttökentällä voit etsiä mitä tahansa arvoa, joka löytyy tapahtuman metatiedoista. Palautettavat arvot riippuvat tapahtumatyypistä - onko kyseessä lasku, tilaus vai jokin muu.
Ilmaisen tekstin hakuvinkkejä:
Hae tarkkaa arvoa käyttämällä lainausmerkkejä "", esimerkiksi laskun numero "12345678".
Jos haluat etsiä arvoaluetta, esimerkiksi laskun numeroita välillä 1200-1300, haun arvo tulee kirjoittaa muodossa [1200 - 1300]
Kun etsit useita tiettyjä asiakirjanumeroita, arvot tulee erotella pilkuilla: 12345, 45678, 76543
Lisätietoja mahdollisuuksista on täällä:
Lähettäjän ja/tai vastaanottajan haku
Lähettäjä- ja vastaanottajahaulla voit etsiä tapahtumia yritysten nimien mukaan. Avattavassa lähettäjä- ja vastaanottajaluettelossa olevat yritykset riippuvat roolista (track-role) erityisistä yritysoikeuksista. Jos et löydä etsimääsi yritystä, ota yhteyttä yrityksen ylläpitäjään ja tarkista, puuttuuko käyttäjäoikeuksistasi yrityksen oikeuksia.
Kun alat kirjoittaa kentälle, se ehdottaa käytettävissä olevia yrityksiä. Jos yritystä ei löydy, voit luoda mukautetun hakuehdot.
Jos haluat valita useita yrityksiä, valitse ensin vähintään yksi yritys avattavasta luettelosta ja valitse sitten avattavan valikon vieressä oleva hierarkiapainike. Tämä avaa ikkunan, jossa voit lisätä lisää yrityksiä lähettäjä- tai vastaanottajavalintaasi.
Lähettäjän tai vastaanottajan nimi ovat ainoat pakolliset hakukentät TnT:ssä. Selaimesi tallentaa viimeisimmän valinnan, eikä sinun tarvitse valita lähettäjää tai vastaanottajaa seuraavan kerran, kun käytät TnT:tä. Jos tyhjennät selaimesi tiedot (välimuisti), myös lähettäjän ja vastaanottajan valinta poistetaan.
Valitse Lisää hakuvaihtoehtoja ja täydellinen luettelo hakukentistä tulee näkyviin.
Field name | Description |
Status | The processing status of the transaction. The status can be processing, completed, error or rejected. See more information about processing statuses in chapter Transaction statuses. |
Confirmation status | When the transaction has been processed it will be sent to the recipient. The transaction recipient can confirm back to OpusCapita if the delivery was successful, rejected or there was a technical error. See more information about different confirmation statuses in chapter Transaction statuses. |
Message type | You can refine your search by adding one or more message types in your search. TnT search supports most of the common message types such as invoice, credit note, catalog, order, order response, despatch advice and receipt advice. In addition master data files can be searched. |
Document Id | Transaction identifier issued by the sender, for example invoice or order number. |
Document date | Transaction date issued by the sender, for example invoice date. |
Customer number | A number specifying the customer issued by the supplier. Please note that if the customer number is not available in the message data (eg. XML or EDI file) it will not be possible to search it. |
Currency | Transaction currency. |
Net amount | Transaction net monetary amount in selected currency. Range selection. |
Gross amount | Transaction gross monetary amount in selected currency. Range selection. |
Arrival time | The time of the first processing event in the Business Network. |
Processing date | Select an exact time-period of transactions processed in OpusCapita Business Network. You can define a date and time for the start and end period. Please note that Track and Trace has transactions available from the past 90 days. |
Quick select | With the quick select you can pick a predefined time-period when the transactions have been processed in OpusCapita Business Network. Quick select options range from past 15 minutes up to 72 hours. |
Transaction status values
Track and trace provides two different message statuses: processing status and confirmation status. With the processing status, you can monitor the transaction from the moment a transaction is received to Opuscapita Business Network and once it is transferred to the recipient. Confirmation status shows when the transaction is acknowledged by the recipient application, for example recipients ERP system, data transport interface or Opuscapita’s IPA application. Please note, that not all recipients send acknowledgements or application response messages to Opuscapita Business Network.
You can select transactions with one or more status options. A transaction can have the following statuses:
Processing statuses:
Completed – transactions that have been successfully processed and sent to the recipient. | |
Processing – transactions that have been received by OpusCapita, but have not yet been completely processed. | |
Rejected – transaction has been rejected by the recipient or OpusCapita. Rejection can be done for multiple reasons, e.g. mandatory document content is missing. OpusCapita does not continue processing the document and the sender is required to make corrections and send a new transaction. | |
Error – transaction has a processing error in OpusCapita. This status automatically creates a task to OpusCapita platform monitoring team for further action. Once the error is resolved, the processing will continue. | |
| Cancelled – transaction processing has been cancelled by OpusCapita. This typically happens after a rejection event and when sender is required to send a new transaction. |
Confirmation statuses:
Confirmed – transactions that have been successfully processed by OpusCapita and the recipient has confirmed the transaction as successfully received. This status applies also if the transaction is successfully imported to OpusCapita Invoice Automation (IPA) application. | |
Waiting – transactions that have been processed by OpusCapita, but no confirmation by the recipient yet. | |
Rejected – transaction has been rejected by the recipient. Rejection can be done for multiple reasons, however typically mandatory content is missing and the sender is required to correct or enrich the content and send a new transaction. | |
Error - technical error of accepting the transaction or error delivering the acknowledgement message. This status applies also if the transaction is not successfully imported to OpusCapita Invoice Automation (IPA) application. | |
Timeout - the recipient has not confirmed the transaction within the agreed time limit. | |
Unknown - recipient do not send acknowledgement messages. This status is also shown in case recipient sends only rejections and no specific successful confirmation statuses. |
Search results and table columns
Search results are shown in a table view. You can select the columns from the |||-icon on the top right of the table.
Search result is paginated, and each page can contain up to 250 rows ie. transactions. By default, the results are displayed in chronological order, newest transaction on top of the list.
After the search result is fully loaded, it can be sorted by each column. Click the column header and the result is sorted accordingly.
List of available table columns
You can select the displayed table columns from the top-right corner by clicking the selector |||-icon.
Message type – Common names for documents types and subtypes if available. Subtypes further define the document content or process. Subtypes are mostly numerical values, following document type codes defined in UBL standard (Universal Business Language). OpusCapita
Document ID – Document sender issued number of identifier.
Sender – The party responsible for sending the document. Sender is identified during the document processing and the name displayed in the field is coming from the OpusCapita business partner registry. If the sender is unidentified, the field will be empty or it can contain e.g. the email address of the sender.
Inbound BC (business channel) - Document sender's service provider. If the service provider is not known or not defined, the field will be empty.
Receiver – The party receiving the document. Receiver is identified during the document processing and the name displayed in the field is coming from the OpusCapita business partner registry. If the receiver name is unidentified, the field will be empty.
Outbound BC (business channel) - Document recipients service provider.
Transaction number – A unique identifier for each transaction issued by OpusCapita Business Network.
Status - Processing status of the transaction in the Business Network.
Confirmation Status (Conf.) - Response status from the transaction recipient.
Date – The last known processing date and time in the OpusCapita Business Network.
More actions - end of the table row is action menu button, containing more transaction specific quick actions, such as show related transactions or copy transaction number.
Related transactions
Click the Show more actions button end of the transaction row and select Show related transactions. This will automatically perform a new search in a new browser tab, finding other documents that are related to this same transactions. For example if your invoice contains order number, the original order message can be found. Or, if you want to find all the subsequent messages for an order, such as order response, despatch advice or invoice. This option is available in the Show more actions menu only if the transaction contains any reference information to a related transactions, for example reference order number or reference invoice number.
Export search result to .csv file
The search result can be exported to a .csv file. Click Export to CSV button and select if you want to export all result rows or only the result rows that are visible on the current page. Please note, that export all option is limited to 2000 result rows.
The export file contains all included search filters and columns that you have selected to your table view.
Expand transaction details
By clicking the › sign in the front of the row, you can see more detailed information regarding the transaction. Transaction details contains event timeline showing each processing event, its timestamp, and documents in different processing steps.
Event timeline and transaction files
The event timeline displays all processing steps that the transaction had before it was sent to the recipient. Event timeline is updated in real-time, so in case the transaction is still in processing status, the event timeline will be incomplete and new event steps added as the processing proceeds. In case there are errors, the event timeline helps you to understand at what processing step the error happened, what was the reason and if there was automatic incident reported to OpusCapita support.
8.Document import finished - When document is imported to a recipient application such as OpusCapita IPA, it will have corresponding confirmation message. Alternative final events can be Document delivered through batch or Acknowledged OK from receiving party
7.Document delivered internally through batch - Processing has completed in Business Network and delivered to an OpusCapita application e.g. IPA. In case the transaction is delivered to another business channel or application that is not OC
6.Outbound document - Documents converted to the recipient required format. Opening the event, you can view all files that was converted to the output, recipient format.
5.Canonical document - OC internal format converted from the inbound document. Opening the event, you can view all files that was converted to the internal, canonical format.
4.Outbound routing - Based on the electronic address or company identifier the transaction recipient and it’s business channel was found.
3.Inbound document - Individual document(s) in its original format are extracted from the batch. Opening the event, you can view all files that was received by OC.
2.BN Company Identification Summary - Sender and receiver was recognized against the OpusCapita business partner directory.
1.Inbound batch received - transaction was received to OC business network as a batch file (can contain several transactions)
Processing typically starts with an event Inbound batch received which is then transferred to Inbound document. This event contains the original files received from the sender. Processing ends once the document is transferred to the recipient and the files can be found from Outbound document event. In case the transaction is reprocessed, you can see the processing events duplicated as many times as the reprocessing was done. You can identify each reprocessing task by comparing the event timestamps.
Expanding event content
Click the event headline and it opens more details about each event. The expanded event view helps you to understand e.g. what identifiers were used to recognize the sender or receiver business partner.
Error event details
In case the transaction processing has stopped due to error or rejection event, it is displayed in the timeline with following details:
Error or rejection icon and headline.
Timestamp of the incident.
Error code = internal OpusCapita error code
Support ticket = automatically created support ticket id if the if the error should be fixed by OpusCapita. In case of rejections, the fix should be typically done by the sender.
Error resolution = Standard error or rejection specific proposal how to fix the issue.
Preview and download transaction files
You can preview and download all transaction files by opening the Inbound document, Canonical document or Outbound document timeline events After opening the event, click the file name to download the file or click the eye icon to preview.
Please note that all files are stored in OpusCapita's secure file storage (hosted by Azure Blob Storage), both the sender and the receiver have their dedicated storage, therefore files are visible twice. You are only able to access the files that are under your company name.
In order to download or preview files, you must have blob-role in your user rights. For more information, please check the article Käyttäjien hallinta .
Inbound document – Original data files, images and attachments as received from the transaction sender.
Canonical document – Data files converted to OpusCapita's internal format, which follows UBL (Universal Business Language) standard. Attachments and image files are not converted.
Outbound document – Data files converted to recipients required format. Attachments and image files can be converted to another format upon recipient’s request. not converted