Confirm or reject orders

Confirm or reject orders

Before you can flip a purchase order into an invoice, you need to confirm it. Before confirming the purchase order, you can edit the line items as necessary (change the delivery date, for example), or add a comment. 

If necessary, you can also reject line items or the whole purchase order. 

Order confirmations can also contain order discounts, check instructions here: Order discounts

Confirm or partially confirm a purchase order

  1. Click Orders, and select Overview. The Order Overview page opens.  

  2. For the order you want to confirm or reject, click Open.

  3. If you want to comment the purchase order, enter your comment in the Internal Comment field. 

  4. Below Line Items, edit the order details as necessary:  

To confirm the whole order:

  1. Click “Prefill with full quantity“ button.

  2. All order confirmation fields are prepopulated with requested delivery date, quantity and net price.

  3. Once you are ready, click Save and then Save & Send.

  4. Order confirmation is sent to your customer and order status changes to Confirmed.



To partially confirm an order or confirm different values than requested by the customer: 

  • If you want to confirm only some of the line items, remove the checkmark by clicking on those rows you do not want to yet confirm.  

  • In the Delivery Date fields, select the new dates from the calendars.  

  • In the Quantity fields, edit the number of items. Note that you can only change the quantities to be smaller than originally. 

  • In the Net price per unit fields, edit the prices of items. Note, that typically you can only change the prices to be less than originally. Some customer allow reducing or increasing (to a predefined % increase) the Net price, but this separately configured for them.


  • Once you are ready, click Save and then Save & Send

  • Order confirmation is sent to your customer and order status changes to Partially Confirmed. 

  • Order status changes to Confirmed once all ordered quantities are confirmed or alternatively rejected. 



Reject full order or individual order lines

To fully reject an order and all the line item as follows:

  1. Click “Prefill with zero quantity“ button.

  2. All order line quantities are populated with zero value.

  3. Once you are ready, click Save and then Save & Send.

  4. Order rejection is sent to your customer and order status changes to Rejected.



To reject only some of the line items as follows:

  • Add a zero value to the line item quantity on those rows you want to reject. 

  • Once you are ready, click Save and then Save & Send

  • Order rejection is sent to your customer and order status changes to Partially Rejected. 



If you want to know how to create invoices from orders go to Create invoices from orders

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