Track and Trace
Basics about Track and Trace
When transactions are processed through Opuscapita, they are visible in Track and Trace for the next 90 days from the date of being processed. With Track and Trace you can search and monitor all your transactions processed by OpusCapita Business Network. The application helps you to detect any errors or rejections during the message delivery and access all files included the transaction.
A typical transaction contains the following data which is stored in Track and Trace:
Data file - electronic format of the message for example order or invoice in xml or edi format
Attachments – invoice image or additional information supporting the data file content in PDF, TIF or any other format.
Meta data – all key information collected from the data files or from the delivery platform where the message was processed. All search queries in TnT are primarily performed against the meta data.
Access to Track and Trace
After logging into Business Network Portal, you can choose Track and Trace from the upper right corner. You can also access it directly via URL
Please notice that access to Track and Trace is granted by a customer administrator user. For more information please see the chapter 1.5. User roles and company rights.
User must have a track-role and blob-role if document download and preview is required.
Tracking time indicator
Track and Trace displays transactions in real-time, as they are processed in the OpusCapita Business Network. There can be a temporary delay of displaying the data in real-time and this status is displayed in the tracking time indicator. Delays can happen during exceptionally high peaks of transaction processing and their statuses are not fully up to date in Track and Trace. In case the tracking service has a technical error or serious issue of tracking all processing events, the indicator shown in red, with text “Major tracking delay”. Please notice that the tracking time indicator relates only to Track and Trace’s performance and not to the actual transaction processing performance in the Business Network.
The tracking time indicator can have following 3 values:
Please note, that the tracking indicator is only related to how fast information is displayed in Track and trace compared to the moment it happens in the messaging platform. In case there are processing delays in the messaging platform (Business Network), those are not affecting to the tracking indicator.
Searching in Track and Trace
Before you can perform a search, you need to select at least one sender and/or receiver name. Your browser saves the latest sender or receiver selection and you do not have to select them next time you use the TnT.
Free text search
The recommendation is to use the free text search to begin with and gain experience with the search values and search techniques to have the most accurate result.
With the first long input field you can search for any value that can be found from the meta data of the transaction. Values to be returned are dependant on the transaction type - is it an invoice, order or something else.
Free text search tips:
To search exact value use quotation marks
for example invoice number "12345678"To search for a range of values, inclusive ranges are specified with square brackets
[min TO max]
, for example invoice numbers: [1200 TO 1300]Searching multiple document numbers, values can be separated by space, e.g. searching three different documents: 12345 98765 45636
Wildcard searches be done with
to replace zero or more characters: 1234*
For more information over the possibilities, you can read here:
Query String Query | Elasticsearch Reference [5.5] | Elastic
Sender and / or receiver search
With the sender and receiver search you can search transactions by the company names. The companies available in the sender and receiver dropdown lists depend on the role (track-role) specific company rights. If you do not find a company that you are looking for, please contact your company administrator to check if any company rights are missing from your user rights.
Once you start typing to the field, it proposes available companies. If the company is not found, you can create a custom search criteria.
If you want to select multiple companies, first select at least one company from the dropdown list and then select the hierarchy button next to the dropdown. This opens a window where you can add more companies to your sender or receiver selection.
Sender or receiver name are the only mandatory search fields in TnT. Your browser saves the latest selection and you do not have to select sender or receiver next time you use TnT. If you empty your browser data (cache), the sender and receiver selection will also be removed.
Additional search fields
Select More search options and the complete list of search fields are displayed.
Field name | Description |
The processing status of the transaction. The status can be processing, completed, error or rejected. See more information about processing statuses in chapter Transaction statuses. | |
When the transaction has been processed it will be sent to the recipient. The transaction recipient can confirm back to OpusCapita if the delivery was successful, rejected or there was a technical error. See more information about different confirmation statuses in chapter Transaction statuses. | |
You can refine your search by adding one or more message types in your search. Track and trace supports all of the available in the Business Network. Message types are filtered by most popular options first and after that all types are displayed | |
When you select one or more message type, the sub message type button is available next to the field. You can select supported message subtype codes from the list. | |
Document Id | Transaction identifier issued by the sender, for example invoice or order number. |
Document date | Transaction date issued by the sender, for example invoice date. |
Customer number | A number specifying the customer issued by the supplier. Please note that if the customer number is not available in the message data (eg. XML or EDI file) it will not be possible to search it. |
Currency | Transaction currency. |
Net amount | Transaction net monetary amount in selected currency. Range selection. |
Gross amount | Transaction gross monetary amount in selected currency. Range selection. |
Arrival time | The time of the first processing event in the Business Network. |
Processing date | Select an exact time-period of transactions processed in OpusCapita Business Network. You can define a date and time for the start and end period. Please note that Track and Trace has transactions available from the past 90 days. |
Quick select | With the quick select you can pick a predefined time-period when the transactions have been processed in OpusCapita Business Network. Quick select options range from past 15 minutes up to 72 hours. |
Message type search
Each transaction has a message type that defines the type of business document processed. For example invoices, orders, catalogs or despatch advices all have their dedicated message type and message sub type.
Message type
You can select one or more message types. Select the option from the dropdown list, which is sorted by most popular message types first and after that you can find all supported message types in the OpusCapita Business Network.
Invoice and credit invoice has a combined search option. If you with to search only debit invoices or only credit invoices, you need to define them from the message sub type list. See instructions below.
Message subtype
Message subtypes are useful to make the message type search more exact. For example, if you are P2P customer and want to search only order confirmations, first you must select Order response message type and message subtype OrderResponse Accept.
Use message subtype search as follows:
Select at least one message type
Message subtype button becomes available:
Click the button and a window opens where you can select one or more message subtypes. In case you select more options in the message type field, then all of them will be available also in the subtype window.
Select Apply.
In the message type values you can see how many subtype has been selected.
After this, if needed, you can add other search criteria and select Search.
Transaction status values
Track and trace provides two different message statuses: processing status and confirmation status. With the processing status, you can monitor the transaction from the moment a transaction is received to Opuscapita Business Network and once it is transferred to the recipient. Confirmation status shows when the transaction is acknowledged by the recipient application, for example recipients ERP system, data transport interface or Opuscapita’s IPA application. Please note, that not all recipients send acknowledgements or application response messages to Opuscapita Business Network.
You can select transactions with one or more status options. A transaction can have the following statuses:
Processing statuses:
| Completed – transactions that have been successfully processed and sent to the recipient. |
| Processing – transactions that have been received by OpusCapita, is currently being processed in the Business Network. |
| Rejected – transaction has been rejected by the recipient or OpusCapita. Rejection can be done for multiple reasons, e.g. mandatory document content is missing. OpusCapita does not continue processing the document and the sender is required to make corrections and send a new transaction. |
| Error – transaction has a processing error in OpusCapita. This status automatically creates a task to OpusCapita platform monitoring team for further action. Once the error is resolved, the processing will continue. |
| Cancelled – transaction processing has been cancelled by OpusCapita. This typically happens after a rejection event and when sender is required to send a new transaction. |
Confirmation statuses:
| Confirmed – transactions that have been successfully processed by OpusCapita and the recipient has confirmed the transaction as successfully received. This status applies also if the transaction is successfully imported to OpusCapita Invoice Automation (IPA) application. |
| Waiting – transactions that have been processed by OpusCapita, but no confirmation by the recipient yet. |
| Rejected – transaction has been rejected by the recipient. Rejection can be done for multiple reasons, however typically mandatory content is missing and the sender is required to correct or enrich the content and send a new transaction. |
| Error - technical error of accepting the transaction or error delivering the acknowledgement message. This status applies also if the transaction is not successfully imported to OpusCapita Invoice Automation (IPA) application. |
| Timeout - the recipient has not confirmed the transaction within the agreed time limit. |
| Unknown - recipient do not send acknowledgement messages. This status is also shown in case recipient sends only rejections and no specific successful confirmation statuses. |
Search results and table columns
Search results are shown in a table view. You can select the columns from the |||-icon on the top right of the table.
Search result is paginated, and each page can contain up to 250 rows ie. transactions. By default, the results are displayed in chronological order, newest transaction on top of the list.
After the search result is fully loaded, it can be sorted by each column. Click the column header and the result is sorted accordingly.
List of available table columns
Message type – Common names for documents types and subtypes if available. Subtypes further define the document content or process. Subtypes are mostly numerical values, following document type codes defined in UBL standard (Universal Business Language). OpusCapita
Document ID – Document sender issued number of identifier.
Sender – The party responsible for sending the document. Sender is identified during the document processing and the name displayed in the field is coming from the OpusCapita business partner registry. If the sender is unidentified, the field will be empty or it can contain e.g. the email address of the sender.
Inbound BC (business channel) - Document sender's service provider. If the service provider is not known or not defined, the field will be empty.
Receiver – The party receiving the document. Receiver is identified during the document processing and the name displayed in the field is coming from the OpusCapita business partner registry. If the receiver name is unidentified, the field will be empty.
Outbound BC (business channel) - Document recipients service provider.
Transaction number – A unique identifier for each transaction issued by Business Network.
Net Amount - Net value of the transaction
Gross Amount - Gross value of the transaction
Currency - Transaction currency
Endorsement ID - Transaction identifier assigned by the digitizing service provider.
Status - Processing status of the transaction in the Business Network.
Confirmation Status (Conf.) - Response status from the transaction recipient.
Arrival date - The time and date when a transaction has arrived to the Business Network.
Finished date - The time an date when transaction processing has been finished, e.g. completed or rejected. After this date, the processing is no longer continued. Non-processing events, such as archiving can happen after the processing is finished.
Last event date – The last known event date and time in the Business Network. For example the date when an invoice was archived.
More actions - end of the table row is action menu button, containing more transaction specific quick actions, such as show related transactions or copy transaction number.
You can select the displayed table columns from the top-right corner by clicking the selector |||-icon.
Export search result to .csv file
The search result can be exported to a .csv file. Click Export to CSV button and select if you want to export all result rows or only the result rows that are visible on the current page. Please note, that export all option is limited to 2000 result rows.
The export file contains all included search filters and columns that you have selected to your table view.
Row result actions
Each row in the transaction table has More actions option available on right hand side of the table. This extra menu contains additional functions related to the selected transaction. The menu options can change based on your user rights and message type.
Copy transaction number
Transaction number is a unique OpusCapita generated identifier to each transaction. With this number you can easily locate individual documents. With the copy function you can copy the transaction number to you clip board.
Related transactions
Click the Show more actions button end of the transaction row and select Show related transactions. This will automatically perform a new search in a new browser tab, finding other documents that are related to this same transactions. For example if your invoice contains order number, the original order message can be found. Or, if you want to find all the subsequent messages for an order, such as order response, despatch advice or invoice. This option is available in the Show more actions menu only if the transaction contains any reference information to a related transactions, for example reference order number or reference invoice number.
If the Related transactions option is not visible in the menu, it means that there are no related transactions to be found to your selected document.
Sender / Receiver information
With these two options you can view the business partner information of the sender and receiver of the transaction. as stored in the the Business Network.
A new partner profile opens displaying the company basic information. identifiers and routing data, in case you select the Receiver information. Routing information is visible in the bottom of the window:
Download original email
If a supplier sends you invoices via email and they are digitized by OpusCapita, you can download the original email messages with attachments from Track & Trace. This helps you to find any additional information there might be in the email body.
User the download feature as follows:
Go to Track & Trace, search for an email invoice.
From row actions, select Download original email.
Download starts and once finished, you can find the .eml formatted file in your browser downloads.
Transaction details, event timeline and transaction files
The event timeline displays all processing steps that the transaction had before it was sent to the recipient. Event timeline is updated in real-time, so in case the transaction is still in processing status, the event timeline will be incomplete and new event steps added as the processing proceeds. In case there are errors, the event timeline helps you to understand at what processing step the error happened, what was the reason and if there was automatic incident reported to OpusCapita support.
Expand transaction details
By clicking the › sign in the front of the row, you can see more detailed information regarding the transaction. Transaction details contains event timeline showing each processing event, its timestamp, and documents in different processing steps.
9. Acknowledged OK from receiving party - The recipient or its service provider has confirmed (or rejected) the technical delivery via acknowledgement transaction.
8a.Document archived for sender / receiver - When the processing has been finished invoice has been archived for the sender and/or receiver.
8b. Deadline time calculated - If customer has reporting, the processing throughput time (SLA time) calculation has been executed.
7.Document delivered through batch - Processing has completed in Business Network and delivered to the recipient or recipient´s service provider.
6.Outbound document - Documents converted to the recipient required format. Opening the event, you can view all files that was converted to the output, recipient format.
5.Canonical document - OC internal format converted from the inbound document. Opening the event, you can view all files that was converted to the internal, canonical format.
4.Outbound routing - Based on the electronic address or company identifier the transaction recipient and it’s business channel was found.
3.Inbound document - Individual document(s) in its original format are extracted from the batch. Opening the event, you can view all files that was received by OC.
2. BN Company Identification Summary - Sender and receiver was recognized against the OpusCapita business partner directory.
1.Inbound batch received - transaction was received to OC business network as a batch file (can contain several transactions)
Processing typically starts with an event Inbound batch received which is then transferred to Inbound document. This event contains the original files received from the sender. Processing ends once the document is transferred to the recipient and the files can be found from Outbound document event. In case the transaction is reprocessed, you can see the processing events duplicated as many times as the reprocessing was done. You can identify each reprocessing task by comparing the event timestamps.
Expanding event content
Click the event headline and it opens more details about each event. The expanded event view helps you to understand e.g. what identifiers were used to recognize the sender or receiver business partner.
Error event details
In case the transaction processing has stopped due to error or rejection event, it is displayed in the timeline with following details:
Error or rejection icon and headline.
Timestamp of the incident.
Error code = internal OpusCapita error code
Support ticket = automatically created support ticket id if the if the error should be fixed by OpusCapita. In case of rejections, the fix should be typically done by the sender.
Error resolution = Standard error or rejection specific proposal how to fix the issue.
Preview and download transaction files
You can preview and download all transaction files by opening the Inbound document, Canonical document or Outbound document timeline events After opening the event, click the file name to download the file or click the eye icon to preview.
Please note that all files are stored in OpusCapita's secure file storage (hosted by Azure Blob Storage), both the sender and the receiver have their dedicated storage, therefore files are visible twice. You are only able to access the files that are under your company name.
In order to download or preview files, you must have blob-role in your user rights. For more information, please check the article User management .
Inbound document – Original data files, images and attachments as received from the transaction sender.
Canonical document – Data files converted to OpusCapita's internal format, which follows UBL (Universal Business Language) standard. Attachments and image files are not converted.
Outbound document – Data files converted to recipients required format. Attachments and image files can be converted to another format upon recipient’s request. not converted