Stuck transaction monitoring
OpusCapita Business Network is monitored as part of the standard platform operations and customer service. Delivery issues, such as platform errors will automatically create notifications our service desk where issues will be resolved. In Track and trace, you can see if there are delivery errors and more details can be found from the the event timeline.
As an additional service, Track and trace can alert customers via email, if a transaction has not been processed according to the agreed time limit. This feature is called Stuck transaction monitoring.
Stuck transaction monitoring can be configured for customer on a separate service request.
How does it work?
Once enabled by OpusCapita admin, the service will monitor transaction´s throughput time in the Business Network. If the predefined processing time limit is exceeded, the service will send an automatic notification email to the customer. The email contains list of transactions that have not been delivered to the recipient in the agreed time. Monitoring emails are not sent, if all transactions are processed within the agreed time limit or there are no errors.
Time parameters
Stuck transaction monitoring has following configuration of time parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example |
Processing time limit | time limit how long the transaction be in processing or error status until it is included to the monitoring email. | Depending on document type, typically short time limit e.g. 2 hours of order messages and longer, e.g 24 hours for invoices. |
Execution pattern | how often and when the monitoring emails are sent | Usually during office hours in 1-2 hour interval. |
Period time | how far back we monitor transactions. | Typically transactions that has arrived 24-48 hours ago but can be much longer period as well. |
All the above time parameters can be configured for customer’s business needs. You might want to have less frequent monitoring for invoices e.g. once a day, but more frequent monitoring, e.g. several times a day, for more business critical transactions such as orders and order responses.
Other configuration parameters
In addition to time parameters, the stuck transaction monitoring can have following customer configurations:
Send to = email address(es) where monitoring alerts are sent to
Business partners = customer’s companies or units included to the monitoring
Document type = which documents are monitored (catalog, order, order resp., desadv, invoice…)
Message channel = paper, email or electronic invoices
Direction = sending and/or receiving of transactions
Monitoring email content
Monitoring emails are sent to customer's email address(es). Email contains list of transactions that are in processing status or in error status. You can find more information about the statuses here.
Monitoring email contains following information:
Transaction ID = unique identifier of the transaction. Includes direct link to Track and trace to view the transactions
Step type = in what processing phase the transaction in currently
Sender = Business partner name who sent the transaction
Receiver = Business partner name who is the transaction recipient
Created on = Timestap when the transaction arrived to Business Network
Message type and channel = type to of the document and whether it is electronic, email or paper document.