List of active company users

List of active company users

There is an option to get a list with all active users for a company.

Customer key user can use the My company's active users form.


To get all active users from a company, just click the Create button on the form.

→ Then a ticket is created and immediately closed. The list of all active users will be shown as a table in Users List field on that ticket.

Number of active users is displayed under the table.

The result looks like:

Here you can see, who is a key user for your company.


There is also an option to get a list with all active users for a company and child companies.


For key users from companies that have child companies, there is also possibility to list users from his company and child companies. That users can choose what kind of list they want and click Create button.

→ Then a ticket is created and immediately closed. The list of all active users from users company and child companies will be shown as a table in Users List field on that ticket.

Number of active users is displayed under the table.


The result looks like:



Here you can see, who is a key user for your and child companies.

To understand, who is a key user, please see the article What is a key user role?


There are also other ways to check if someone in your company has an account in CSP:

Key user can use the Edit existing users form
and select an account in the Customer company user field

if a user exists, all fields will be automatically filled in with the data added to that user

Use the form for non-login users

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