Sales invoice archive

Sales invoice archive

Sales invoice Archive stores automatically processed invoices to a secure cloud file storage. Based on customer configuration, invoice data files, such as xml, images and possible attachment files can be archived. Each archived invoice contains also meta data - detailed logs when the invoice was processed, sent to the customer and invoice header information. Users with required user rights can access Archive via BNP. Users can search, view and download invoices. Additionally Archive can be accessed via API that allows customer to download archived invoices directly their own environment for example, own customer portal.

General functionality

When a sales invoice is processed in OpusCapita Business Network, the files in that transaction are archived automatically. Archiving process is triggered once the invoice is sent to the the recipient. This also includes invoices that might be rejected by the recipient.

If invoices are rejected by OpusCapita Business Network, or if the invoice is in processing error, they will not be archived.

Archiving event is displayed in Track and trace event timeline:


The archiving go-live date, retention period and termination date are decided by the customer. During this period, all archived documents are kept in the secure cloud storage.

Go-live date

The date when archiving starts in productions for sales invoice.

Retention period

The archiving period is configured by OpusCapita admin based of the Invoice Sending contract. Archive period can be from 1 year up to 17 years.

Termination date

The date when invoices are no longer archived. After the termination period customer users can still have access to the Archive unless the retention period is passed for all invoices.

Access to Archive

Archive can be accessed via Business Network Portal and via API. Users with archive role in BNP has Archive icon in the application menu:

Visibility of archived documents depends on the user role rights. More information here: User management | User roles and company rights .

Sales Invoice Archive is also possible to access via API called Relayed Archive API. Invoices can be downloaded directly to clients own environment customer portal with a high level of security


Searching sales invoices 


Choose sales invoices tab from the top.

  1. From the Company/Seller drop-down menu, select the desired company. 

  2. Search in text - field can be used to do a “wild card search”, for a value existing in the structural data of the invoice(s)


  3. More search options can be found if you click on the More search options:

    • If you want to search for only certain type of invoices, choose the valid option from Invoice Type 

    • Possible options are invoice/credit note 

    • If you want to search with the invoice number of a transaction, fill it into Invoice Number - field 

    • If you want to search all invoices that have been processed through a certain channel, choose the wanted value from Channel. Possible options are Paper/email/einvoice  

    • If you want to search for invoices issued on a certain date, fill in the date to Issued Date-field

    • If you want to search invoices that have been processed through OpusCapita on a certain dates, fill in the date-range to Processing Date 

    • If you want to search invoices for  a certain receiver, fill in the receiver value to the Customer/Receiver-field. Possible options are name/customerid/Vat ID/eInvoice address 

    • If you want to search with Payment Reference, fill it into the Payment Ref-field 

Free text search tips: 

  1. To search exact value use quotation marks ""  for example invoice number "12345678"

  2. To search for a range of values, inclusive ranges are specified with square brackets [min TO max], for example invoice numbers: [1200 TO 1300]

  3. Searching multiple document numbers, values can be separated by space, e.g. searching three different documents: 12345 98765 45636

  4. Wildcard searches with * to replace zero or more characters: 1234*


Search results

  • Sender: Your company name as defined in the invoice data.

  • Customer Number: Customer number for the receiver, issued by the seller 

  • Receiver: The receiver of the invoice.

  • Invoice Number: The invoice number of the invoice.

  • Payment Ref: The payment reference of the invoice. 

  • Issued: Date when invoice was issued. 

  • Due: The due date of the invoice. 

  • Type: The type of the invoice: Invoice/Credit note 

  • Channel: The channel through which the invoice was sent: einvoicing, email, paper.

  • Outbound business channel: recipients e-invoice operator.

  • Amount: The total amount of the invoice.


If you want to open the invoice as a PDF, click PDF

When you want to see more details on a specific invoice, Click the Open-button on the right side of the invoice information. The invoice opens showing the details.

At the end of the result table you can find the total amount of invoices found with your search criteria. From the dropdown, you can extend the results per page up to 100 invoices.

Archived invoice details

Each archived sales invoice has a detailed overview page. On this screen, you can find invoice header data, transaction processing times and channel information. Channel defines whether the invoice was sent to the recipient electronically, as email attachment or printed to paper and delivered via mail.


Invoice files

Archived invoice files are listed on the invoice details overview page. The list of files depends what has been configured to be archived.

  • Inbound: original file format sent by your.

  • Inbound attachments: any supported attachment you have included to the invoice.

  • Outbound: recipient file format.

  • Outbound attachments: your attachments and/or attachments (eg. invoice image) generated by OpusCapita.

  • Canonical: file in OpusCapita internal format.

Transaction history

All transaction processing events prior to the archiving event. In case the same transaction is reprocessed, it is not added to the already archived transaction history.


From the Print this page, you can print all the results shown. From “Download, you can download the wanted data formats of the invoice. 


Export to CVS and to Zip files

You can export the search result to CSV file, by selecting Export to CSV. The CSV file contains only the table view of your search results. If you wish to export the files, please select the option Zip PDFs. Both of the options export the the current table result view. Table can contain max. 100 rows (invoices).



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