

If a supplier is using the BNP’s catalog, order or invoice solutions, there must be a connection created between the supplier and the customer. Connection establishes a business link where the customer orders can be sent to the supplier and equally a supplier can send catalogs, order responses and invoices to its customer.

Connection is only required if the supplier is using BNP free of charge solutions for catalogs, orders or invoices. Suppliers using OpusCapita integrated solutions or operator connections are not required to create connections.

You can manage connections with your trading partners in Company → Connections -section.

If you have a supplier-admin role, then Customer Connections page is shown. If you have a customer-admin role, then you can see the Supplier Connections page.

For suppliers: Customer Connections

You can find the customers who have invited you to join the OpusCapita Business Network Portal on the Customer Connections list. Once the invitation is sent, customer will appear on the list. Next, you need to accept the connection. You can also reject invitations or reconnect with customers if required.

Viewing and searching customer connections:

  • Go to Company and select Connections.

  • Customer Connections page opens.

  • Search your connections by:

    • Customer - the name of your customer.

    • Type - message type you are requested to start transacting: catalog, order, invoice.

    • Status - connection status:

      • Invited: customer invitation waiting for your acceptance.

      • Connected: connection has been accepted, you are now ready to start transacting the messages.

      • Rejected: customer invitation is rejected.

      • Requested: your request to connect has been sent to the customer, waiting for customer approval.


Accepting a customer invitation

When customer sends you a request to connect and to start using the Business Network Portal, you typically will receive an email invitation. It is also possible that the customer has a registration page available where you are requested to sign up.

Accept connection via email as follows:

  1. Receive an email invitation from your customer

  2. Register to the Business Network Portal, see detailed instructions here: Registration for free users and suppliers

    1. If you have already registered to BNP, when click the Register link in the invitation email

    2. Create user account opens, click login.

  3. Login to the Business Network Portal

  4. Go to Company and select Connections. Alternatively you can click the invitation request in the Home page Notifications sections.

  5. Customer Connections open.

  6. Click Connect on the customer that you want to connect with. Please notice that each customer company or unit can have its own invitation.

  7. You are now connected and ready to start transacting with your customer!


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